This page provides citations for current research on monkeys in general which does not fit into any specific Monkey Fact page (no species is specified in title,) as well as research citations for those groups of monkeys we have not as yet created pages for. As always, Mindy's Memory Primate Sanctuary does not necessarily endorse the studies presented here, but provides them for information only.



D'Adomo, M; Pancaldi, G; Visalberghi, E

Kaumanns W
General aspects of primate keeping and colony management. PRIMATE REPORT 49: 47-53, 1997.

Abel TW; Voytko ML; Rance NE
The effects of hormone replacement therapy on hypothalamic neuropeptide gene expression in a primate model of menopause. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 84(6): 2111-2118, 1999.

Adams, M R ; Washburn, S A ; Wagner, J D ; Williams, J K ; Clarkson, T B
Arterial changes: Estrogen deficiency and effects of hormone replacement. Pp. 243-250 in TREATMENT OF THE POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMAN: BASIC AND CLINICAL ASPECTS. R.A. Lobo, ed. New York, Raven Press, 1994.

Austad SN
Small nonhuman primates as potential models of human aging. ILAR [INST LAB ANIM RESOUR] JOURNAL 38(3): 142-147, 1997.

Barlet, J P ; Coxam, V ; Davicco, M J ; Gaumet, N
[Animal models for postmenopausal osteoporosis.] REPRODUCTION, NUTRITION, DEVELOPMENT 34(3): 221-236, 1994. (French w/ English summary)

Caro, T M ; Sellen, D W ; Parish, A ; Frank, R ; Brown, D M ; Voland, E ; Borgerhoff Mulder, M
Termination of reproduction in nonhuman and human female primates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 16(2): 205-220, 1995.

Couzin J
Low-calorie diets may slow monkeys' aging. SCIENCE 282(5391): 1018, 1998.

DeLany JP; Hansen BC; Bodkin NL; Hannah J; Bray GA
Long-term calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY A54(1): B5-B11, 1999.

DeRousseau, C J
Primate gerontology: An emerging discipline. Pp. 127-153 in BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND AGING: PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN VARIATION OVER THE LIFE SPAN. D.E. Crews; R.M. Garruto, eds. New York, Oxford University Press, Inc., 1994.

Hansen BC
Lessons from life-time studies in monkeys. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 22(Suppl 3): S92, 1998. (Abstract)

Kaack MB; Harrison RM; Roberts JA
Effect of age and hormonal state on cytokine synthesis in the monkey. CYTOKINE 10(3): 236-239, 1998.

Kawasaki K; Kubo N; Tsuchida J
[An application of behavior observation for analysis of cognitive ability in aged monkeys.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(2): 103-107, 1998. (Japanese)

Koyama T; Terao K
[Characteristics of psycho-immuno-endocrinological responses of aged monkeys to social stress.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(2): 109-114, 1998. (Japanese)

Krylova RI; Lapin BA
Pathology of aged monkeys. BALTIC JOURNAL OF LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 8(2): 81-88, 1998. (Russian summary)

Lees CJ; Ramsay H
Histomorphometry and bone biomarkers in cynomolgus females: A study in young, mature, and old monkeys. BONE 24(1): 25-28, 1999.

Leibel RL
Commentary on |Long-term calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys.| JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY A54(1): B12-B13, 1999.

Nam KH; Akari H; Terao K; Itagaki S; Yoshikawa Y
Age-related changes in major lymphocyte subsets in cynomolgus monkeys. EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS 47(3): 159-166, 1998.

Nam KH; Akari H; Terao K; Ohto H; Itagaki S; Yoshikawa Y
Age-dependent remodeling of peripheral blood CD4+ CD8+ T lymphocytes in Cynomolgus monkeys. DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY 22(2): 239-248, 1998.

Ochiai M; Itou K; Izumi A; Kojima S
[Studies on the cognitive functions of aged monkeys.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 14(2): 95-102, 1998. (Japanese)

Pavelka, M S M
The nonhuman primate perspective: Old age, kinship and social partners in a monkey society. JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL GERONTOLOGY 9(2): 219-229, 1994.

Pavelka MSM
Primate gerontology. Pp. 220-224 in THE NONHUMAN PRIMATES. Dolhinow P, ed. Mountain View, Mayfield Publ, 1999. (ISBN 1559349743)

Rapp, P R; Roberts, J A; Gilardi, K V K; Lasley, B L
Reproductive status predicts cognitive decline in aged female monkeys. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS 23(Pt 2): 2003, 1997. (Abstract)

Roberts JA; Kaack MB; Harrison RM; Klopp R; Ershler W
Bladder infection in the menopausal monkey. JOURNAL OF UROLOGY 162(1): 254-257, 1999.

Roberts, J A; Gilardi, K V K; Lasley, B; Rapp, P R
Reproductive senescence predicts cognitive decline in aged female monkeys. NEUROREPORT 8(8): 2047-2051, 1997.

Rice DC
Age-related increase in auditory impairment in monkeys exposed in utero plus postnatally to methylmercury. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 44(2): 191-196, 1998.

Sherman PW
The evolution of menopause. NATURE 392(6678): 759 & 761, 1998.

Altschuler EL; Vankov A; Wang V; Ramachandran VS; et al.
Person see, person do: Human cortical electrophysiological correlates of monkey see monkey do cells? JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE 9(Suppl): 91, 1998.

Barton R
The evolutionary ecology of the primate brain. Pp. 167-203 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Box HO
Temperament and socially mediated learning among primates. SYMPOSIA OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 72: 33-56, 1999. (Book title: Mammalian Social Learning. ISBN 0521632633)

Bunk S
Interdisciplinary study of nonhuman primates gains ground. SCIENTIST 12(10): 10 & 13, 1998.

Byrne RW; Whiten A
Machiavellian intelligence. Pp. 1-23 in MACHIAVELLIAN INTELLIGENCE II: EXTENSIONS AND EVALUATIONS. Whiten A, ed. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge Univ Press, 1997.

Byrne, R W
Machiavellian intelligence. EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 5(5): 172-180, 1996.

Byrne, R W
What's the use of anecdotes? Distinguishing psychological mechanisms in primate tactical deception. Pp. 134-150 in ANTHROPOMORPHISM, ANECDOTES, AND ANIMALS. R.W. Mitchell; N.S. Thompson; H.L. Miles, eds. New York, State Univ of New York Press, 1997.

Chadwick-Jones J
DEVELOPING A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF MONKEYS AND APES. Hove, East Sussex, Psychology Press, 1998, viii, 184 pp.

Dunbar RIM
The social brain hypothesis. EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 6(5): 178-190, 1998.

Fragaszy, D M; Visalberghi, E
Social learning in monkeys: Primate |primacy| reconsidered. Pp. 65-84 in SOCIAL LEARNING IN ANIMALS: THE ROOTS OF CULTURE. C.M. Heyes; B.G. Galef, eds. San Diego, Acad Press, 1996.

Fuentes A
Variable social organizations: What can looking at primate groups tell us about the evolution of plasticity in primate societies? Pp. 183-188 in THE NONHUMAN PRIMATES. Dolhinow P, ed. Mountain View, Mayfield Publ, 1999.

Fuentes A
Re-evaluating primate monogamy. AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST 100(4): 890-907, 1998.

Hart, D; Karmel, M P
Self-awareness and self-knowledge in humans, apes, and monkeys. Pp. 325-347 in REACHING INTO THOUGHT: THE MINDS OF THE GREAT APES. A.E. Russon; K.A. Bard; S.T. Parker, eds. New York, Cambridge Univ Press, 1996.

Kappeler PM
Primate socioecology: New insights from males. NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN 86(1): 18-29, 1999.

King, G E
The attentional basis for primate responses to snakes. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 42(2) 122, 1997. (Abstract)

Krueger J
How it is to be the brain of a monkey. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER NATURFORSCHUNG 53(7-8): 599-609, 1998.

Miklosi A
In the search for the functional homology of human imitation: Take play seriously! BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES 21(5): 699-700, 1998. (Open peer commentary)

Miklosi A
The ethological analysis of imitation. BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY 74(3): 347-374, 1999.

Palombit RA
Infanticide and the evolution of pair bonds in nonhuman primates. EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 7(4): 117-129, 1999.

Parker ST
The evolution and development of self-knowledge: Adaptations for assessing the nature of self relative to that of conspecifics. Pp. 171-192 in PIAGET, EVOLUTION, AND DEVELOPMENT. Langer J, ed. Mahwah, NJ, L Erlbaum Assoc, 1998.

Perez A; Vea JJ
Cost-benefit analysis of allogrooming behaviour in primates II. PRIMATE REPORT (50): 15-37, 1998.

Russon AE; Mitchell RW; Lefebvre L; Abravanel E
The comparative evolution of imitation. Pp. 103-143 in PIAGET, EVOLUTION, AND DEVELOPMENT. Langer J, ed. Mahwah, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, 1998.

Stanford CB
Predation and male bonds in primate societies. BEHAVIOUR 135(4): 513-533, 1998.

Sterck, E H M; Watts, D P; van Schaik, C P
The evolution of female social relationships in nonhuman primates. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY 41(5): 291-309, 1997.

Strier KB
Why is female kin bonding so rare? Comparative sociality of neotropical primates. Pp. 300-319 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Suomi, S J
Early determinants of behaviour: Evidence from primate studies. BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN 53(1): 170-184, 1997.

Suomi SJ
How do jumpy monkeys survive? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 49(1): 25, 1999. (Abstract)

Thierry B
Adaptation and self-organization in primate societies. DIOGENES 45(4, #180) : 39-71, 1997.

Tomasello, M; Call, J
Are there fundamental differences in the cognition of monkeys and apes? IPS/ASP CONGRESS ABSTRACTS (1996): #739, 1996. (Abstract)

Treves A
Primate social systems: Conspecific threat and coercion-defense hypotheses. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(2): 81-88, 1998.

Visalberghi, E; Fragaszy, D M
Pedagogy and imitation in monkeys: Yes, no, or maybe? Pp. 277-301 in THE HANDBOOK OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: NEW MODELS OF LEARNING, TEACHING, AND SCHOOLING. D.R. Olson; N. Torrance, eds. Cambridge, MA, Blackwell Publ, 1996.

van Schaik CP
Did infanticide risk select for male-male association in primates? PRIMATE REPORT (Sp iss 48-2): 32, 1997. (Abstract)

van Schaik CP; van Noordwijk MA; Nunn CL
Sex and social evolution in primates. Pp. 204-231 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

van Schaik, C P; Kappeler, P M
Infanticide risk and the evolution of male-female association in primates. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON B264(1388): 1687-1694, 1997.

Whiten A
How imitators represent the imitated: The vital experiments. BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES 21(5): 707-708, 1998. (Open peer commentary)

Whiten A
Evolutionary and developmental origins of the mindreading system. Pp. 73-99 in PIAGET, EVOLUTION, AND DEVELOPMENT. Langer J, ed. Mahwah, NJ, L Erlbaum Assoc, 1998.

Whiten, A; Custance, D M
Comparative studies of the social transmission of foraging technique in human children, other apes and monkeys. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 22): 242-243, 1996. (Abstract)

Wright, P C
Behavioral and ecological comparisons of neotropical and Malagasy primates. Pp. 127-141 in NEW WORLD PRIMATES: ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR. W.G. Kinzey, ed. New York, Aldine de Gruyter, 1997.

Barton R
The evolutionary ecology of the primate brain. Pp. 167-203 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Blurton Jones N; Hawkes K; O'Connell JF
Some current ideas about the evolution of the human life history. Pp. 140-166 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Cordain L; Gotshall RW; Eaton SB; Eaton SB III
Physical activity, energy expenditure and fitness: An evolutionary perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE 19(5): 328-335, 1998.

DeLany JP; Hansen BC; Bodkin NL; Hannah J; Bray GA
Long-term calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY A54(1): B5-B11, 1999.

Dunbar RIM
The social brain hypothesis. EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 6(5): 178-190, 1998.

Foley RA; Elton S
Time and energy: The ecological context for the evolution of bipedalism. Pp. 419-433 in PRIMATE LOCOMOTION: RECENT ADVANCES. Strasser E, ed. New York, Plenum Press, 1998.

Forrest M; Hom G; Saperstein R; Weber A; et al
Metabolic and cardiovascular effects of human beta3-adrenergic receptor (beta3 AR) agonists in non-human primates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY 22(Suppl 3): S188, 1998. (Abstract)

Hladik CM; Chivers DJ; Pasquet P
On diet and gut size in non-human primates and humans: Is there a relationship to brain size? CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY 40(5): 695-697, 1999.

Isbell LA; Pruetz JD; Nzuma BM; Young TP
Comparing measures of travel distances in primates: Methodological considerations and socioecological implications. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY 48(2): 87-98, 1999.

Joffe TH
Bringing-up baby: Foetal and infant brain size ontogeny. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 70(4): 223, 1999. (Abstract)

Key CA
The sexual division of labour in humans: A comparative analysis. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 28): 168, 1999. (Abstract)

Kuzawa CW
Adipose tissue in human infancy and childhood: An evolutionary perspective. YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 41: 177-209, 1998.

Lee PC
The evolutionary significance of growth to weaning among primates. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 26): 148, 1998. Abstract

Lee PC
Comparative ecology of postnatal growth and weaning among haplorhine primates. Pp. 111-139 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Leibel RL
Commentary on |Long-term calorie restriction reduces energy expenditure in aging monkeys.| JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY A54(1): B12-B13, 1999.

Martin RD
Primate brain evolution: The maternal contribution. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 26): 155-156, 1998. Abstract

Milton K
A hypothesis to explain the role of meat-eating in human evolution. EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY 8(1): 11-21, 1999.

Nisbett, R A; Ciochon, R L
Diet and reproduction. Pp. 133-140 in THE PRIMATE ANTHOLOGY: ESSAYS ON PRIMATE BEHAVIOR, ECOLOGY, AND CONSERVATION FROM NATURAL HISTORY. R.L. Ciochon; R.A. Nisbett, eds. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Perez A; Vea JJ
Cost-benefit analysis of allogrooming behaviour in primates II. PRIMATE REPORT (50): 15-37, 1998.

Perret M; Aujard F; Vannier G
Critical role of daylength in energy balance in a non human primate. Pp. 415-418 in BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS: MECHANISMS AND APPLICATIONS. Touitou Y, ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier Sci Publ, 1998. (ISBN 0-444-82503-7; Serial title: Int Congr Ser No 1152)

Smith RJ; Leigh SR
Sexual dimorphism in primate neonatal body mass. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION 34(2): 173-201, 1998.

Snodgrass JJ; Leonard WR; Robertson ML
Interspecific variation in body composition and its influence on metabolic variation in primate and other mammals. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 28): 255, 1999. (Abstract)

Warren RD; Crompton RH
Diet, body size and the energy costs of locomotion in saltatory primates FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 69(Suppl 1): 86-100, 1998.

West DB; York B
Dietary fat, genetic predisposition, and obesity: Lessons from animal models. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 67(3, Suppl): 505S-512S, 1998.

Williamson DK; Dunbar R
Energetics, time budgets and group size. Pp. 320-338 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Zihlman AL; McFarland RK
Should muscle have most favored tissue status? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 28): 285, 1999. (Abstract)

Adams, S R ; Muchmore, E ; Richardson, J H
Biosafety. Pp. 375-420 in NONHUMAN PRIMATES IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH. B.T. Bennett; C.R. Abee; R. Henrickson, eds. San Diego, Academic Press, 1995.

Allan, J S
Xenotransplantation at a crossroads: Prevention versus progress. NATURE MEDICINE 2(1): 18-21, 1996.

Allan, J S
Xenotransplantation at a crossroads: Prevention versus progress. AIDS-FORSCHUNG 11(4): 207-211, 1996.

Comparative medicine program. Pp. 19-27 in PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 1991--NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH RESOURCES. Research Resources Information Center. Bethesda, National Inst. of Health, 1991. (NIH publication No. 92-2309)

April, M
AIDS animal models program. ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM ON NONHUMAN PRIMATE MODELS FOR AIDS 11: 108, 1993. (Abstract)

Armed Forces Retrovirus Research Group
Summary report: Workshop on animal models of human immunodeficiency virus infections in humans. MILITARY MEDICINE 157(12): 662-664, 1992.

Beck, A M
Xenograft transplantation: Blessing or blaspheme? LAB ANIMAL 24(1): 36-38, 1995.

Buchl, S J; Keeling, M E; Voss, W R
Establishing specific pathogen-free (SPF) nonhuman primate colonies. ILAR [INST LAB ANIM RESOUR] JOURNAL 38(1): 22-27, 1997.

Cho, F
[A newly planned breeding system: Single male linked with plural separated females for reproduction of SPF primates for experimental use.] REICHORUI KENKYU/ PRIMATE RES 8(2): 226, 1992. (Japanese, abstract)

Cho, F
New mating system for reproduction of SPF monkeys for biomedical use. AUSTRALIAN PRIMATOLOGY 10(2): 8, 1995. (Abstract)

Ely, J ; Manis, G S ; MacArthur, N M ; Keeling, M ; et al
Maintenance of genetic variability in an SPF colony. Pp. 51 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)

Ely, J J ; Manis, G S ; Keeling, M E ; Stone, W H
Maintenance of genetic variability in a specific pathogen-free breeding colony. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 44(3): 211-216, 1994.

Guly, C
To breed or not to breed? Health Canada faces a monkey dilemma. CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL 157(9): 1192, 1997.

Hilliard, J K ; Lipper, S L ; War, J
Herpes B virus: Issues, surveillance and results. Pp. 50-51 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)

Hirsch, V M ; Myers, G ; Johnson, P R
Genetic diversity and phylogeny of primate lentiviruses. Pp. 221-240 in HIV MOLECULAR ORGANIZATION, PATHOGENICITY AND TREATMENT. W.J.W. Morrrow; N.L. Haigwood, eds. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1993. (ISBN 0-444-89521-3)

Krugner-Higby, L ; Schultz, K T
Herpesvirus simiae (Herpes B) and SIV as zoonoses. LAB ANIMAL 24(3): 24-25 & 28-31, 1995.

Kyes RC; Sajuthi D; Morton WR; Smith OA; Agus Lelana RP; Pamungkas J; Iskandriati D; Iskandar E; Crockett CM
The Tinjil Island natural habitat breeding facility: A decade of operation. JURNAL PRIMATOLOGI INDONESIA 1(1): 1-8, 1997.

Kyes, R C ; Lelana, R P A ; Pamungkas, J ; Iskandriati, D ; Sajuthi, D
Natural habitat breeding of primates in Indonesia: A conservationally sound approach to a sustainable resource. PRIMATE REPORT 41: 43-53, 1995.

Mehlman, P T ; April, M ; Whitney, R
NCRR/SPF breeding program: Demography and production. Pp. 50 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)

Michaels MG
Xenotransplant-associated infections. LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 48(3): 228-233, 1998.

Moon, M A
Diagnosis of Herpesvirus simiae infection. RESEARCH RESOURCES REPORTER 16(3): 11-13, 1992.

Morton, W R ; Kyes, R C ; Kyes, K B ; Knitter, G H ; Sajuthi, D ; Iskandriati, D ; Pamungkas, J
Development of a natural-habitat breeding facility for nonhuman primates. JAVMA [J AM VET MED ASSOC] 206(4): 469-475, 1995.

Mukai, R ; Narita, T ; Kobayashi, R ; Fujimoto, K ; Takasaka, M ; Honjo, S
Survey of viral infections in nonhuman primates at Tsukuba Primate Center for medical science. Pp. 399-408 in TOPICS IN PRIMATOLOGY. VOL. 3: EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY, AND VIROLOGY. S. Matano; R.H. Tuttle; H. Ishida, et al., eds. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press, 1992.

Nasto, B
Germ-free monkeys advance the war against AIDS. NCRR [NAT CTR RES RESOUR] REPORTER 21(3): 12-13, 1997.

National Center for Research Resources

National Center for Research Resources

National Center for Research Resources

National Center for Research Resources

Palca, J
The Indonesia, Russia connections. SCIENCE 256(5064): 1631, 1992.

Quimby, F W
Twenty-five years of progress in laboratory animal science. LABORATORY ANIMALS 28(2): 158-171, 1994.

Roberts, J A ; Short, J ; Lerche, N
Use of a sentinel program for infectious disease surveillance in nonhuman primates. CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE 31(4): 5, 1992. (Abstract)

Scott, G B D
COMPARATIVE PRIMATE PATHOLOGY. New York, Oxford University Press, 1992, xv, 288 pp.

Snook, S S
Herpesvirus B. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY NEWSLETTER 14(6): 41-43, 1992.

Wagner, J L ; April, M ; Whitehair, L A
The development and progress of the specific-pathogen-free (SPF) breeding and research program of the National Institutes of Health. Pp. 49-50 in XIVTH CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRIMATOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Strasbourg, IPS, 1992. (Abstract)

Allman J; Rosin A; Kumar R; Hasenstaub A
Parenting and survival in anthropoid primates: Caretakers live longer. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE USA 95(12): 6866-6869, 1998.

Altmann J
Mate choice and intrasexual reproductive competition: Contributions to reproduction that go beyong acquiring more mates. Pp. 320-333 in FEMINISM AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY: BOUNDARIES, INTERSECTIONS, AND FRONTIERS.. Gowaty PA, ed. New York, Chapman & Hall, 1997.

Anderson, C M
The influence of New World mating and rearing systems on theories about Old World primates. Pp. 119-126 in NEW WORLD PRIMATES: ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR. W.G. Kinzey, ed. New York, Aldine de Gruyter, 1997.

Behrens B
Can weaning age of infant primates be approximated using interbirth interval-gestation length? AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 28): 89, 1999. (Abstract)

Bunk S
Interdisciplinary study of nonhuman primates gains ground. SCIENTIST 12(10): 10 & 13, 1998.

Cicchetti D
Child abuse and neglect: Usefulness of the animal data: Comment on Maestripieri and Carroll (1998). PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN 123(3): 224-230, 1998.

Digby LJ; Merrill MY; Davis ET
Infanticide as an extreme form of female reproductive competition in primates and social carnivores. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Suppl 26): 77, 1998. Abstract

Dixson AF

Dixson AF; Brown GR; Nevison CM
Developmental significance of the postnatal testosterone |surge| in male primates. Pp. 129-145 in MALES, FEMALES, AND BEHAVIOR: TOWARD BIOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING. Ellis L, ed. Westport CT, Praeger, 1998.

Dolhinow P
Play: A critical process in the developmental system. Pp. 231-236 in THE NONHUMAN PRIMATES. Dolhinow P, ed. Mountain View, Mayfield Publ, 1999.

Elowson AM; Snowdon CT; Lazaro-Perea C
'Babbling' and social context in infant monkeys: Parallels to human infants. TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES 2(1): 31-37, 1998.

Fuentes A
Re-evaluating primate monogamy. AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST 100(4): 890-907, 1998.

Goy RW
Patterns of juvenile behavior following early hormonal interventions. Pp. 296-314 in THE LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALS: BEHAVIORAL, NEUROBIOLOGICAL, AND PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVES: A SYNTHESIS. Magnusson D, ed. New York, Cambridge Univ Press, 1997.

Hiraiwa-Hasegawa, M
Development of sex differences in nonhuman primates. Pp. 69-75 in THE EVOLVING FEMALE: A LIFE-HISTORY PERSPECTIVE. M.E. Morbeck; A. Galloway; A.L. Zihlman, eds. Princeton, Princeton Univ Press, 1997.

Joffe TH
Bringing-up baby: Foetal and infant brain size ontogeny. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA 70(4): 223, 1999. (Abstract)

Keverne, E B; Nevison, C M; Martel, F L
Early learning and the social bond. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 807: 329-339, 1997.

Langer J; Killen M
PIAGET, EVOLUTION, AND DEVELOPMENT. Mahwah, NJ, L Erlbaum Assoc, 1998, viii, 317 pp.

Lee PC
Comparative ecology of postnatal growth and weaning among haplorhine primates. Pp. 111-139 in COMPARATIVE PRIMATE SOCIOECOLOGY. Lee PC, ed. Cambridge, Cambridge Univ Press, 1999.

Lyons DM; Kim S; Schatzberg AF; Levine S
Postnatal foraging demands alter adrenocortical activity and psychosocial development. DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 32(4): 285-291, 1998.

Maestripieri D
The biology of human parenting: Insights from nonhuman primates. NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS 23(3): 411-422, 1999.

Maestripieri D; Carroll KA
Child abuse and neglect: Usefulness of the animal data. PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN 123(3): 211-223, 1998. (Comments: Pp. 224-233)

Mason WA
Words, deeds, and motivations: Comment on Maestripieri and Carroll (1998) PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN 123(3): 231-233, 1998.

Mason WA; Mendoza SP
Generic aspects of primate attachments: Parents, offspring and mates. PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 23(8): 765-778, 1998.

Nisbett, R A; Ciochon, R L
Diet and reproduction. Pp. 133-140 in THE PRIMATE ANTHOLOGY: ESSAYS ON PRIMATE BEHAVIOR, ECOLOGY, AND CONSERVATION FROM NATURAL HISTORY. R.L. Ciochon; R.A. Nisbett, eds. Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Paul A
The socioecology of infant handling in primates: Is the current model convincing? PRIMATES 40(1): 33-46, 1999.

Rosenblum LA
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